Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chapter Two: Old Friend

Gudaibiya Neighborhood
Emergency Staging Area
June 20, 2010
22:01 hour

Following the militia's attack, Bahraini authority establish a siege over the district. The neighborhood is surrounded by security forces tightly so no one may come in or out. Inside it, hundreds of local civilians and expatriates are trapped. Nothing is known about them. It is believed that many are either taken as hostages or hide. Communication with security guards inside the area has been lost. At the emergency staging area, authority security forces vehicles, soldiers and ambulances gather. Inside a tent, Nate and Bob are having tense conversation. Behind him, ten heavily armed ninja are standing listening carefully. They are Valkyrie Unit. A special bodyguard unit within Private Echelon Corporation tasked to provide security for the company's high ranking executives. Unlike their genin (Ninja Field Operator) colleagues, they are given freedom to choose their own weaponry.

" Nate, I tell you again, we can only enter the district under permission given by Bahraini Authority."

" Okay, I understand. I'm sorry. This time's different. It's my own family trapped there, Bob." Says Nate.

" I do understand. This time is also different. You were not given commission by the corporation or any other authority but by yourself. You were permitted to enter this war zone only because it's your family inside there." Replies Bob. " Wait until green light is given."

After a while, Bob calls Nate, " Nate, come with me, you were called." Nate comes with Bob through bustling people and arrive at a small restaurant used as Bahrain Authroity Command Post. Bob introduces Nate to three men inside. " Nate, this is General Al-Wadi, Lieutenant General Al-Farouq and Colonel Fadel from National Guard. They are in charge of this siege and has been notified about your mission." Nate greets the three officers. " General Al-Wadi will brief you rules and agreement concerning your mission. Listen him carefully.". The old general starts to speak in Arabic then translated by Bob,

" Friend, considering your situation, we give you permission to conduct rescue operation inside the district with condition:

1. You promise to maintain secrecy about your presence in this operation.
2. You will not harm any Bahrain authority facilities, personnel and civilian.
3. Your operation is limited to only retrieve your family.
4. You will not receive any military assistance since your forces are never here officially.

If you violate one of this condition, you will be soon pulled out of battlefield."

Nate answers, " I accept them.".

" Good. You can start anytime." Says the Bahraini General.

Suddenly, when Nate comes out of the command post, a voice speaking English in Russian accent is heard, " Well, if it is not the Amerikanski. I am not wrong, aren't I?"

Nate sees the man who speaks,  a tall man in black military uniform and maroon berret. " It's been a while, isn't it?" Continues the man. " How many years? Nine?" It's Dmitry Petrovich. A Spetsnaz Lieutenant Nate fought against but later become Nate's ally on his mission in Chechnya nine years ago now a Colonel. Nate's surprised but answers him, " Hello, Lieutenant, we meet again. How are you?" Seeing Nate's downcast expression the Colonel replies," You don't seem to be happy to see me again, do you? What are you doing here?"

" Don't get me wrong, Purachik. There's a reason why I don't seem to be happy today. And that's nothing to do with you."

" Ah, will you tell me as your fellow warrior?"

" Okay, my family is trapped inside there and I have to evacuate them."

" Ah, rescue mission, just like nine years ago. By the way, you aren't with the woman you were with in Chechnya? Where is she now?"

" She is inside there."

" Ah, I see. Do you mean she is...?" Asks Colonel Petrovich.

Nate nods, " Yes, you're right."

" Ah, a warrior family! We must celebrate this!" Shouts Colonel Petrovich.

" By the way, what are you doing here?" Asks Nate.

" Some of the people inside there are from my country. My unit was tasked to save them." Answers Colonel Petrovich.

A spetsnaz soldier in black uniform and bandana comes in and reports, " Polkóvnik(Colonel), I'm sorry for interrupting. What's our order now?"

" Stand by for the next order." Says Colonel to the soldier. He then calls Nate and introduces the soldier.

" Amerikanski, you remember Alexey, don't you? He's a Kapitan(Captain) now." Laughs Colonel Petrovich. " Alexey, do you remember this man?"

" Hello, Alexey, how are you?" Says Nate with smile.

Alexey becomes silent. He remembers the ninja and he also the only Spetsnaz soldier unharmed by the Nate and Shiori in Chechnya during their fight in Vakhyita Ridge Forest nine years ago. " Alexey, why are you silent?" Says Colonel Petrovich to him laughing.

Nate and Colonel Petrovich decides to conduct their operation together to cover Nate forces' presence. They decide to gather intelligence first.

Gudaibiya Neighborhood
Al-Falah Street
June 20, 2010
23:11 hour

A black unmarked van goes slowly on the quiet street. Several bodies are strewn on ground. As they approach, they are stopped by two armed militia. The driver in kaffiyeh stops and shivers when forced to get out from the vehicle. The two militia then forces the driver to open the van's slide. When the slide is opened, a ninjato appears and impales one of the militia on his belly, while suddenly, two ninjas in black attire and balaclava jump outside and beat the other militia. Other two ninjas emerges and the four then toss the two militia and their rifles inside the van and goes to their way.

Gudaibiya Neighborhood
Emergency Staging Area
Nate's Tent
June 20, 2010
23:24 hour

A man whose head is covered with black hood and hands tied behind escorted by two ninja is brought inside Nate's tent crowded by ninjas, Bahrain officers and Spetsnaz soldiers. The man is forced to kneel in front of Nate and Colonel Petrovich and has hid hood uncovered. He looks at his surrounding and sees he is surrounded by men in black balaclava and bandana. Nate, interpreted by Sam, starts to interrogate the captured militia.

" Who are you?"

" Who is your leader?"

" How many men are inside there?"

" What are your weaponry?"

" Show us where your men posted."

To be continued

License: Personal use and read only. Further usage requiring permission from author.
Disclaimer: All contents are fiction.

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